*DRESS CODE: Appropriate dance attire is required, but we do not specify a "uniform" for each class. Leotards, shorts, stretch or yoga pants, t-shirts or tank tops are acceptable. Our only rule is please NO jeans since they do not allow you to move freely. 

*TAP SHOES are essential for ALL tap classes. For the recital, each student will need: BLACK tap, jazz and acro shoes and PINK ballet slippers. 

*There is absolutely no gum chewing or candy allowed at anytime.

*NO FOOD is allowed inside the studio.  

*NO beverages other than water are allowed inside the studio. 

*NO one is allowed on the dance floor at anytime except for the dance students with proper footwear ( tap shoes, ballet slippers, dance sneakers etc.). The dance floor is specially treated. The dirt and salt from the street shoes and boots not only destroy the finish, but the salt and small stones on the street shoes can also pose as a hazard to the dancers. 

*NO cellphones or electronic devices with audio turned on are allowed inside the dance studio. Students may not access their cell phones during class. 

*Please make every effort to be ON TIME for your class. 

*We expect each of our students to interact with each other in a positive way. We encourage you to remind your child that constructive criticism and/or feedback of any kind is the job of the teacher only. We encourage a positive and supportive environment at the Loft for all of our students. We will not tolerate unkind words or deeds among our students at anytime. We are a family and as such will always treat others with kindness, positivity, and respect. 

*Since our waiting area is very small, it can get extremely loud and can cause distractions to both the teacher and the students. We will not allow ANY parents, siblings and/or family members to sit in on ANY dance classes. Please drop off and pick up students at their scheduled dance time.